Les comportements amplifient la fonctionnalité
Pour plus d'informations sur les comportements d'autonomie ; Cliquez s'il vous plaitici; posté le 26 octobre 2019
Autonodyne continue de créer une liste complète de comportements ou de compétences autonomes pouvant être utilisés pour effectuer des missions. Ils contrôlent une large gamme de véhicules autonomes, semi-autonomes et/ou hautement automatisés (aériens, maritimes et terrestres).
Chaque comportement ci-dessous peut être sélectionné individuellement et manuellement pour remplir une « liste de tâches » ou un « plan de mission » pour le ou les véhicules. Le nom du comportement est le lexique que nous utilisons à la fois pour commander le comportement et pour indiquer à l'opérateur/superviseur humain ce que font le ou les véhicules. Hormis la désignation du waypoint et des points d’intérêt, l’opérateur n’a rien d’autre à faire pour exécuter la mission. Même la nécessité de désigner des waypoints Fly Over That n'est pas nécessaire si l'algorithme de planification de trajet autonome est également en cours d'exécution.
Nous arrivons maintenant à un point où le logiciel, grâce au raisonnement sémantique ou à la « création de sens », commence à assembler automatiquement ces comportements. Le logiciel s'efforce de déterminer des plans d'action optimaux (COA) et, sur la base de ces COA, suggère une séquence de comportements. L'opérateur ne peut rien faire et le laisser suivre son cours, approuver manuellement le plan ou rejeter/modifier le plan. Nous construisons une capacité dans laquelle ces « agents » logiciels créent une équipe homme-machine beaucoup plus compétente.
Comportements de contrôle du véhicule
Survolez ça
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Waypoint Navigation – this command instructs the vehicle to proceed directly to a designated waypoint.
Loiter (Tiens-toi là-bas)
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Commands a vehicle to perform a loiter (e.g., circular, figure-8, racetrack, etc.) movement at a designated location with default/designated parameters (e.g. altitude, leg length, direction of turn, etc.)
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Vertical Takeoff/Land (VTOL) air vehicles hover in-place with options to define the hover height and hover duration.
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Commands a fixed wing aircraft to enter a circular orbit, VTOL, uncrewed ground, and uncrewed maritime vehicles freeze in-place.
Suis le
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Keeps a defined X-Y-Z offset from the designated “lead” vehicle.
Maintien courant/commandé
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Holds a commanded vehicle speed, heading, altitude indefinitely.
Retour à la base (RTB)
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Creates a specific 3D profile to return the vehicle to a designated recovery location.
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Automatically computes a path for delivery of vehicle or supplies. It executes that path, performs a precision landing, and releases the payload.
Plan de chemin/ "5D"
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Computes a path around any known or sensed static or dynamic obstacles and continuously computes an optimal path. Works in real-time and in 2D and 3D. Uses spline interpolation to more accurately calculate optimal maneuvers and paths that reflect real-world vehicle turning dynamics. Takes cost functions into account to assist in “dodge, duck, dive, dart, and dodge” behaviors for obstacle avoidance.
Suivez ce chemin
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When selected, traces a desired path on the 2D map for the desired vehicle(s) to ground track.
Pointer/regarder ça
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The uncrewed vehicle follows a path that keeps its sensors aligned on the point-of-interest (POI). If the sensor is gimballed, the orientation of the vehicle is irrelevant.
Pointez sur ça
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The uncrewed vehicle maneuvers as required to continually point at the designated point of interest.
Travail futur
Considered a “standing” lasso, it funnels or necks vehicles down to a single point. Once vehicles have been directed into the funnel, sequencing and deconfliction are automatically handled, even for heterogeneous vehicles, down to the target point (typically a landing area).
Comportements de renseignement, de surveillance et de reconnaissance (ISR)
Éclaire ceci
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A form of sensor-based navigation for vehicles equipped with sensors optimized for certain conditions (e.g., detection of a specific type of RF emitter). When a sensor gets “a hit”, the vehicle automatically repositions itself to achieve the ideal geometry so the sensor can precisely determine the location of the item of interest.
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Principally intended for sUAS and overwatch mode. The sUAS will follow a designated POI (for example, you) at a specified X/Y/Z offset.
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Trains sensors on a designated point or area of interest and maintains that observation state for as long as feasible.
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Intelligently divides the selected geographic area into the most appropriate surveillance patterns based on the vehicles tasked, their fuel/energy states, and the sensors they have onboard. Maintains persistent presence
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This uses either the inherent target track capability of the vehicle under control (e.g., Raytheon Coyote) or our own on-board image processing/identification/ tracking capability. The vehicle will move as needed to retain the lock on the target of interest.
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Intended for a small UAS (sUAS) to direct it to a perch location and observe.
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After designating a structure to be inspected, this behavior computes an ideal 3D geometry that takes vehicle performance and sensor type/capability into account to compute and command that inspection pattern.
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When the tripwire of external or onboard sensors are activated, the vehicle(s) launches and provides perimeter defense/monitoring capability. Until the virtual tripwire is triggered, the UAS is on the ground in watching/listening mode, almost indefinitely.
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Slightly different than Observe or Surveil. Whereas Observe can draw conclusions from viewing the scene, Monitor is a non-attribution behavior. For example, Monitor may count all vehicles passing over a bridge but it is not storing any parameters or attributes about those vehicles.
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Used an aid to post-mishap investigation efforts by documenting an accident or crime scene
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After assets are selected and a point-of-interest (POI) is identified, they all take up observation positions around the POI. If 3 vehicles are involved, they take a 120-degree spread offset a distance away from the POI. If 36 vehicles, they take a 10-degree spread.
Relais de communication
Travail en cours
Places the vehicle into an appropriate loiter or path to serve as a communications relay. It automatically computes the appropriate position and altitude to maintain line-of-sight comm connections.
Comportements offensants
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Drives the vehicle directly into the designated point of interest. This is a less sophisticated version of Strike.
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Capable of performing Offensive Counter Air roles. This behavior actually has a number of subset behaviors which initially appear as a series of “plays”. This is first being employed as a set of adversary air training tools.
Travail en cours
Orchestrates a kinetic strike. Programs vehicle to loiter around a target area for a given time, search for targets, and attack one of them once it is located.
Grille cible
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Generates Category 1 target grid coordinates for designated points-of-interest (POIs).
Travail futur
Creates a series of highly visible maneuvers by the vehicle(s) under control that are meant to be attention-grabbing in an effort to distract others in the vicinity.
Comportements d'autodéfense
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Similar to DCA, this behavior defends “the queen”. It is largely a means to put a group of vehicles into a desired physical configuration (e.g., a wall between a high-value asset and perceived threats, a 360° coverage shield around a high-value asset, etc.)
Travail en cours
Capable of performing defensive Counter Air roles. This behavior actually has a number of subset behaviors which initially appear as a series of “plays”. This is first being employed as a set of adversary air training tools.
Porc graissé / tramage
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Preemptively generates a random series of quick movements as a means of self-protection against counter-UV threats. Think of constant jinking that makes the vehicle tough to target and hit.
Travail en cours
Intentionally maneuvers vehicles in a pattern or manner that would be confusing to an observer. It enables them to be mistaken as a different platform or performing a different role.
Ravitaillement aérien
Travail futur
When low fuel vehicles are designated, the system will navigate them to the refueling vehicle and sequence them for refueling.
Comportements de ruche/essaim
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At least one vehicle carries another on its back and releases then recovers that vehicle. The behavior is a force multiplier and can be used with ground-to-air vehicles or air-to-air vehicles. Our typical use is to have a ground rover carry a UAS to a specific spot and launch it.
Essaim de morphing
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Changes the relative positioning of a swarm of UAS to deal with known and sensed geographic or volumetric constraints. The number of swarm members can be reduced or increased.
Travail en cours
The software is constantly computing an optimal rejoin path to a moving ground or air target.
Travail futur
A staging area is defined by a swoop of your fingers or mouse. Any vehicle directed into the staging area will remain in the "staging loiter" state until commanded out of it, or until low fuel or energy requires its departure. Sequencing and deconfliction are handled by the behavior.
Travail en cours
Will use pure pursuit and intentionally generate a sacrificial path to impact a designated item or vehicle of interest.
Travail en cours
Principally useful in swarm/hive operations when a few scouts are sent out to survey or map an area, return to the swarm/hive (or just communicate back) and share what was learned.
Travail futur
Target air vehicle mimics the actions of a “master” vehicle in pitch, roll, course, and speed.
Travail en cours
Typically an air vehicle behavior where the “mothership” air vehicle can release other air vehicles to perform other missions.
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When selected, this behavior allows numerous entities to be instantly grouped into a formation or swarm. It handles alignment and deconfliction.